Saturday, October 14, 2006

Nobel Prize should not be given to rascals

Life Comes from Life - Morning walk, April 19th 1973, Chevot Hills Park, LA

Karandhara: Babies are already being produced by nature, but when some scientist does it, people will give him the Nobel Prize.

Prabhupada: Yes, that is stated in Shrimad Bhagavatam "Those who praise men who are like animals are no better than dogs, hogs, camels and asses." If the Nobel Prize is given to a scientist who is a rascal, the men on the committee who give him that prize are not better than dogs, hogs, camels and asses. We don't accept them as human beings. One animal is praised by another animal. Where is the credit in that? If the men on the committee are no better than animals, anyone who receives the Nobel Prize in science is fool number one, because animals are praising him, not human beings.

Scientist fallacies

Life Comes from Life - Morning walk, April 19th 1973, Chevot Hills Park, LA

Karandhara: The scientists say that because amino acids so closely resemble living organisms, there must be just one missing link needed before they can create life.

Prabhupada: Nonsense! Missing link. I'll challenge them to their face. (Laughter). They are missing this challenge. The missing link is this challenge to their face.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Birth of Krishna

Shrimad Bhagavatam 1.3.35 says:

"Learned men describe the birth and activities of the unborn and inactive."

The paradoxical language of this text implies that Krishna's birth and activities are nothing like ours. He is indeed unborn as this verse states, but He often appears in this world by what seems to be, in some respects at least, an ordinary birth.

(Excerpt from BTG)


"We may find that in the discharge of duty we are faced with a lot of suffering. In brahmachari life one may suffer due to frustration that his material desires are unfulfilled, whilst in grihastha life the responsibility and stress of raising a family can cause suffering. But suffering should not be a factor when we make the decision as to carrying out duty. What should matter is being honest with ourselves, that in our individual circumstances whether living as a householder or brahmachari will be most pleasing to Krishna."

H.G. Indriyesha dasa, disciple of Shrila Prabhupada.

28th September 2006, Shrimad Bhagavatam class, Bhaktivedanta Manor.

Knot of Material Life

In Chaitanya Mangala, the Lord states that one must cut the knot of material bondage.

Realisation: If a knot is pulled in the right place, it can easily loosen and be released. So the spiritual master can hit the heart in the right place and destroy material attachment.

The True Greatness of Prabhupada

The following predicts Shrila Prabhupada's arrival:

"Even if the sinners reject religion, or flee to foreign countries, still they will get the mercy. I will send my commander-in-chief (mor senapati bhakta) to go there and deliver them."

(Krishna speaking on His appearance as Lord Chaitanya in Chaitanya Mangala)