Saturday, November 11, 2006

Four Saintly Qualities taught by Lord Chaitanya

Paraphrased from a talk by H.G. Vraja Bihari prabhu on parikrama at Madan Mohan temple in Vrindavan, 22nd October 2006.

"Lord Chaitanya taught four qualities through four different disciples:

1. Humility through Sanatana Goswami. Sanatana Goswami was the Prime Minister of Bengal, he was materially opulent and very learned. He was given such an intimate service by Lord Chaitanya to revive the temples of Vrindavana. Sanatana Goswami gave up all his riches, his position to serve Chaitanya. Just imagine how exalted a soul he was. Yet he always considered himself to be so fallen. So much so that when he externally had what appeared to be a skin disease he felt himself too contaminating to associate with Chaitanya. And he was prepared to give up his body in Jagganath Puri under the chariot because he felt himself too fallen to associate with Chaitanya and his associates. This is humility

2. Tolerance through Haridas Thakura. Haridas was beaten in 24 market places by the Moghul leaders because he was born a Muslim and then took to chanting Krishna's names. Yet Haridas tolerated and prayed for their deliverance.

3. Simplicity through Damodara. Damodara would not have any duplicity when he talked. He would be extremely honest in his dealings and say what was on his mind. As such, he had very sweet relationship like a child with Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

4. Sense Control through Ramananda Raya. Ramananda Raya was teaching young girls how to dance. That was his job yet he was always detached and never succumbed to his senses."

H.G. Vraja Bihari prabhu is a disciple of H.H. Radhanath Maharaja and a brahmachari based at Radha-Gopinath Mandir, ISKCON Chowpatty.