Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Radhanath Swami - Compassion of Prabhupada

H.H. Radhanath Swami

'I remember one time Shrila Prabhupada came to visit our temple and all the devotees were performing Guru-puja to Prabhupada. So Prabhupada was sitting there and he noticed one of his disciples limping. Even while the Guru-puja was going on, Prabhupada called him and asked the disciple what was wrong. The disciple told him about how he had injured his foot. Prabhupada was so concerned, he asked "why haven't you got treatment for it, why haven't you seen the doctor? If you have no money to see doctor, I'll pay for you, but you must look after your health." That's what it means to be a spiritual master. Even while all his disciples were glorifying him, Prabhupada was only concerned with looking after his disciples, making sure they were not experiencing difficulties in their spiritual life, which included their physical health.'

Paraphrased from a Vyasa-puja lecture.

Nectarean KC Gems of Wisdom:


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