Monday, April 30, 2007

Maya like an intrusive train passenger

Thursday 26/04/07

Notes from Ramanuja prabhu’s class: “Prabhupada said maya is just like the smiling Indian passenger on the third class train. The train is already packed and you are one of seven passengers sitting on a bench of five seats. Then a smiling Indian man comes to you and simply by his glance one can understand he is asking for you to move up so he can sit down. At the beginning, you are determined not to let anyone else sit, because there is no more space. But he keeps smiling, and you feel compassion, especially when there are passengers hanging outside the door and sitting in the toilets. So you budge up slightly to let him sit in a tiny corner of the bench. Before you know it he invites his whole family to sit with him, and soon you are without a seat! In the same way, we allow maya to creep in a little bit by our carelessness and before we know it, maya takes over our mind, and we fall down from spiritual life.”

11am – SB Reading notes (3.30.25 purport): “In the last great war, people in concentration camps sometimes ate their own stool, so there is no wonder that in the abode of Yamaraja, one who had a very enjoyable life eating others’ flesh has to eat his own flesh.”

Friday 27/04/07

Shrimad Bhagavatam Reading notes (3.30.28 purport): “In the Vedic civilization sex life is allowed only in a restricted way; it is for the married couple and only for begetting children. But when sex life is indulges in for sense gratification illegally and illicitly, both the man and the woman await severe punishment in this world or after death. In this world also they are punished by virulent diseases like syphilis and gonorrhea, and in the next life, as we see in this passage, they are put into different kinds of hellish conditions to suffer. In Bhagavad-gita, Chapter 1, illicit sex life is also very much condemned and it is said that one who produces children by illicit sex life is sent to hell.”

Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Value of Expertise

Tuesday 24/4/07

Class by Navadvipa Chandra prabhu: “Expertise means possession of the right instruments to bring about success, for example when there was a problem at one nuclear plant, an expert was brought in and he pinpointed the problem – by putting a cross on the dial which was causing problems. For this he charged 10,000 dollars! The plant manager asked him why so expensive just to pinpoint a cross on the dial. The nuclear expert replied that for putting the cross on the dial, the charge is only 1 dollar. But 9,999 dollars was the charge for the expertise of being able to pick the correct dial. In the same way in spiritual life we need to be expert in judging what is best.”

Wednesday 25/04/07

Shrimad Bhagavatam Reading notes (3.30.18 purport): “Sometimes it is seen that a dying man requests the physician to increase his life at least a few years so that the family maintenance plan which he has begun can be completed. These are the material diseases of the conditioned soul. He completely forgets his real engagement – to become Krishna conscious – and is always serious about planning to maintain his family, although he changes families one after another.”

(all quotes are paraphrased)

Comments, questions, corrections, suggestions, please post at

Friday, April 27, 2007

Intimate Dealings of Krishna with Arjuna and Bhishma

Sunday 22/4/07

Notes paraphrased from Gauri prabhu’s class: “For His devotees, Krishna will even disregard His own reputation. Bhishmadeva made a vow to kill the Pandavas unless Krishna gets off His chariot and fights. When Bhishma was on the verge of finishing off Arjuna, Krishna in madness of love for His devotee charged at Bhishma with a chariot wheel in order to protect Arjuna. His own vow of not fighting in the war was to be broken and His reputation thus tarnished, but Krishna didn’t care, He just loved Arjuna too much (bhakta-vatsalah). Bhishma felt ecstatic upon seeing Krishna in His kshatriya (warrior) form and his ecstasy heightened when he saw Arjuna, out of madness, lunge and grab on to Krishna’s waist to prevent Him from killing Bhishma in order to protect the reputation of his beloved Lord. Thus Krishna pleased both His devotees, Bhishma and Arjuna.”

Notes from Shrimad Bhagavatam reading (3.30.3 purport): “The materialist thinks that persons engaged in Krishna Consciousness are crazy fellows wasting time by chanting Hare Krishna, but actually he does not know that he himself is in the darkest region of craziness because of accepting his body as permanent.”

Monday 23/4/07

Shrimad Bhagavatam Reading notes (3.30.9 purport): “Here in this material world, happiness means successful counteraction to the effects of distress.”

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Why did Krishna take the form of a baby?

Friday 20/04/07

Bhagavad-Gita study notes (1.36 purport): “A kshatriya has to be saintly but not cowardly. For example, Lord Rama was a saintly leader, but he wasn’t a coward. When Ravana had to be taught lessons, He didn’t take a cowardly stance – He fought.”

Saturday 21/4/07

Notes paraphrased from Vishwambhara prabhu’s class: “If one accrues wealth by illicit means, then the best thing is to give the money away to brahmanas or Vaishnavas. If one tries to enjoy with tainted money, it will be the cause of his destruction. By giving it away, one is freed from degradation but there is no spiritual progress made either. Spiritual progress requires transformation of consciousness.”

Notes from Shrimad-Bhagavatam study 3rd Canto, plate seven paraphrased – “great sages are always trying to attain the lotus feet of Krishna. So Krishna was thinking there must be something special and tasty about his feet! So 5000 years ago He took the form of a baby in Vrindavana and sucked his toe in order to find out!”

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lord Shiva 48 miles tall!

Wednesday 18/04/07

Notes from Shrila Prabhupada class: “A rich man’s son has no need to labour for wealth. Similarly, a surrendered devotee has no need for yogic powers. For example Durvasa Muni had a lot of yogic powers, and he tried to curse Ambarish Maharaja. But because Ambarish was a surrendered devotee, Krishna personally protected him by sending the sudarshan chakra to get Durvasa.”

Thursday 19/04/07

Notes from Shyamasundara prabhu’s class: “Sadaputa’s book states that there is a pastime where Lord Shiva is meditating on the size of a tree where one sixth of that size is the size of a human being. By this calculation, the height of Lord Shiva is 48 miles. We cannot imagine the size of the devas. They look at human beings as ants!”

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Become wealthy for Krishna - Bhakti Charu Swami

Monday 16/04/07

Notes from Abhaya prabhu’s class: “Why does Shrimad Bhagavatam describe things about the material world? To show how it is a product of intelligence, logic, authority and how different planets are constantly interacting and interdependent.”

I heard Bhakti Charu Swami lecture on mp3 cd player today: “Mode of passion is when you want to make a million pounds to acquire wealth, power, prestige and sense gratification. Mode of transcendence (or pure bhakti) means that even though I don’t particularly want to earn lots of money, I am striving to make a million pounds for Krishna because my guru has ordered me to do so.” Also, “Real fame means to be recognized by Krishna.”

Notes from Shrimad Bhagavatam reading (3.9.22 purport): “Without knowledge of the presence of God in every living entity, any so-called advancement of human civilization, either spiritual or material, is to be understood as being in the mode of ignorance.”

Monday, April 23, 2007

Spiritual Master Misconceptions

Sunday 15/04/07

Note from H.G. Sita Rama prabhu's presentation at the Spiritual Master and Disciple Course: “As humans, it is possible to make mistakes. So if one is taking a spiritual master, he should not expect him to know everything about how to guide him. If you are not honest with your spiritual master about what your concerns are, he can’t give you the most effective guidance – don’t expect him to read your mind.”

(all phrases paraphrased)

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Modern Scientist's Experiments Are Futile

Thursday 12/4/07

Radha Mohan prabhu’s class: “Bhumandala refers to the solar system. Dvipa means island, but in this context it means planet because planets are like islands divided by space.”

Notes from SB Reading: 3.29.16 purport: Patience is necessary for developing the confidence that “Krishna will certainly accept me because I am engaging in devotional service.” One has only to execute service according to the rules and regulations to insure success.

- N.B. this also applies with books, one just has to try the techniques and be patient, Krishna arranges for people to take the books.

Bhakti Charu Swami lecture “The scientist’s experiments in order to find out the Absolute Truth are like shining a torch at night in order to find the sun – it is futile. Just as one has to wait until the morning for the sun to rise and be seen, so one has to patiently serve Krishna and He will reveal Himself when He wants to.”

Friday 13/4/07

Notes from reading Krishna Book: Krishna talking to Yogamaya: “Since you’ll quickly satisfy desires for sense gratification, people within the world will worship you. People who are after materialistic perfection will worship you under the different forms of your expansions, named Durga, Bhadrakali, Maya and Ambika.”

Jayapataka Maharaja - Notes from his class in the evening: “There are certain auspicious months in the year, where there are special benedictions given for one doing spiritual activities. But devotees who are already practicing all year round have no need to do anything extra, they get the benefit anyway. It is just like a sale at the supermarket – they are there to attract new customers, but the regular customers are benefiting anyway because they are shopping there daily!”

(all quotes are paraphrased)

Friday, April 20, 2007

10-11 April 2007 - Taking Shelter of Krishna

Tuesday 10/4/07

Notes from class by Nruhari prabhu: Taking shelter of Krishna results in us becoming full of three attributes:

(i) abhaya – free from fear (bhaya)

(ii) ashoka – free from lamentation (shoka)

(iii) amritya – free from death (mritya)

I did some reading - SB 3.29.5 purport: “If one engages only in caring for bodily necessities, not caring for eternal necessities, one is put in the darkest region of ignorance and becomes gradually fatigues. He invents many processes to adjust this fatigued condition, but he fails and remains confused. The only solution is bhakti.”

Wednesday 11/4/07

Prabhupada tape this morning: “If I identify with my car, then people will say I am foolish – this car is just your vehicle, why are you identifying with it? You are different from the car. Similarly, identifying with the body is foolishness – the body is just a vehicle for the soul - you are not the body, you are the soul underneath.”

H.G. Gauranga prabhu – Brahmachari Class – 13/11/06

H.G. Gauranga prabhu – Brahmachari Class – 13/11/06

Based on Chaitanya Charitamrita Madhya Lila Chapter 3 – Gundicha Marjana

How should we approach Lord Chaitanya’s pastimes?

(i) with faith, and

(ii) with analytical study

Lord Chaitanya’s pastimes are of two kinds:

(i) As the Supreme Personality of Godhead

(ii) As an ideal devotee

He set an example from the front as a leader

For example, Mahaprabhu cleaning the Gundicha temple. Similarly, Shrila Prabhupada also read books, chanted and did service to set the right example. Giriraj Maharaj says in Bombay Prabhupada would forgo eating sometimes in order to work for Krishna.

How to perform service:

1. With Enthusiasm:

Inspiration means intelligence provided by the Lord within) e.g. Hamsaduta Swami was BBT Trustee even though he dropped out of school. BBT is like the heart of ISKCON, and Hamsaduta Swami was made trustee – Prabhupada would say it didn’t matter that he wasn’t academically gifted because he was enthusiastic to serve. Enthusiasm is important and infectious.

2. With Absorption

One should relish the challenge otherwise one’s mind will be distracted. In the Age of Kali, attention span is less and we keep lamenting for the past and pondering the future. In contrast, the devotee should always be in the present (nothing but pleasing Krishna now)

3. Systematic and Organised

Lord Chaitanya would collect all the dirt with His own chadar and throw the dirt out. Shrila Prabhupada spread Krishna Consciousness using organization and intelligence. Lord Brahma created material bondage through planning, so we cannot escape the material world without intelligence. Books are important in this regard. Even in Chandigarh prison, prisoners wrote books describing how to make a 5 mile tunnel so that they could escape jail. If escaping jail requires so much intelligence, then imagine how much intelligence is needed to escape the material world. The movie Escape to Victory shows how planning is the key to escaping a prison house. After all, the entire Shrimad Bhagavatam is about how to implement the philosophy of the Gita. Lord Chaitanya being covered by dust is a demonstration of how effort is needed – we need to set goals and parameters.

  • Shrila Prabhupada for example set a two month deadline for printing all seventeen volumes of Chaitanya Charitamrita.
  • Radhanath Swami sacrifices even sleep in order to keep to deadlines
  • Prabhupada and Tamal Krishna Maharaja would eat together like two businessmen sorting out a deal. Tamal Krishna Maharaja would hand over the cheque from the distribution of Back to Godhead magazines in the Radha Damodara Sankirtan Party.
  • If there is no planning, there is unnecessary anxiety and no peace of mind when carrying out service.

H.G. Akinchana Krishna prabhu – 13/11/06 – Vaishnava Etiquette

H.G. Akinchana Krishna prabhu – 13/11/06 – Vaishnava Etiquette

Chaitanya Charitamrita states that Vaishnava etiquette is like the ornaments of a rich woman. Lord Chaitanya said maintenance of Vaishnava etiquette is the duty of every Vaishnava.

Why do we follow Vaishnava etiquette?

(1) to remember Krishna – and to never forget Him

(2) to practice simple living, higher thinking

1. Etiquette within the temple

(i) Humility

  • leave shoes outside and don’t enter in a palanquin, because these are symbols of aristocracy, so we should leave our false ego outside before entering the temple
  • we shouldn’t wear fashionable clothes, because we are not trying to bring attraction to ourselves, rather Krishna is the centre of attraction
  • Prabhupada’s disciples names end with ‘dasa’ because we are servants
  • Radhanath Swami: it is ridiculous to think oneself better than anyone else – one cannot advance in Krishna Consciousness with such an attitude.
  • In Mahabharata, Duryodhana considered himself to be better than everyone else, whereas Yudhisthira considered himself lower than everyone else. The demons are like flies – search others’ bad qualities, whilst the devotees are like honeybees – only see the good in others.
  • Humility means “I am lowest – I can see only good in others and faults in myself.”
  • This is not to be mistaken for inferiority complex. Inferiority complex is when one feels oneself to be low on a material level, and is envious because he wants to be great.
  • Humility thinks himself to be low because that is the soul’s natural position – infinitesimal spark.
  • When Shrila Prabhupada received a watch from Gurukripa, he announced that he received the watch from ‘some disciple’. He purposely didn’t mention the name, because he wanted to cultivate the attitude of not wanting honour or recognition.

(ii) Offering Obeisances (Vancha kalpa)

  • All spiritual desires can be fulfilled by a Vaishnava
  • Be careful what you desire – Dhruva Maharaja desired kingdoms and so ended up in the material world with his own planet
  • We offer obeisances on the left hand side of the deity, because the heart is on the left. Both hands are outstretched.

(iii) Meditating upon the Deity – don’t look straight at the face.

  • SB 2.2.13 – first the lotus feet, then the calves, then the thighs – by doing so, one becomes detached from sense gratification.
  • First meditate on Prabhupada à Parampara à Gaura-Nitai à Radha à Krishna
  • We should be declaring ourselves to be eternal servants, how can I serve You?

(iv) Sitting

  • don’t have feet to the deities, spiritual master or Tulasi devi
  • don’t have back to deities or the vyasasana, whenever possible
  • do not spread legs, hold ankles, or rest elbows on knees.

(v) Talking – not in front of deities except for preaching purposes

  • Shrila Prabhupada said it is ok to praise devotees in front of the deities

(vi) Clothes – should be simple, clean, distinctive and not torn

  • Only on the back can one wear pictures of Krishna or the maha-mantra
  • Prabhupada: first dress, then address – in other words we must be presentable
  • One Swami from Punjab remarked how the culture has degraded when a girl in a miniskirt came to offer obeisances to him.

(vii) Tilaka – always in twelve places – Lord Chaitanya doesn’t look at a person who doesn’t wear tilaka.

(viii) Hair – should be shaved once a week

  • Sikha should be 1.5 inches long

Selected quotes

Jay Shetty prabhu - Firday 6th April 2007 - Psena Maha Jammin: from the Chris Rock Stand Up show, where he says “if you’re blind there aint nothin’ doctors can do for ya! Look at poor Stevie Wonder – he’s been blind for 40 years and they can’t do nothin’ for him – they can’t even give him a peek! Instead they give you a dog that walks around with you! What’s that gonna do? First I’m blind, and now I gotta learn dog language! How do you know what the dog is saying ‘Woof Woof’- what does that mean? It’s cold outside? There’s a car coming? What do ya mean?!?!” The conclusion was that only spirituality can once and for all solve the problems of life by giving eternal happiness.

Sunday 8/4/07
Bhaktivedanta Manor: Chaitanya Charitamrita Class by Prayojana prabhu: “How to tell whether we are humble or still suffering from pride – whenever we ask someone to do something and they disagree or we face some hostility from them, if we feel agitated, annoyed or angry inside then we have still not fully realized humility. In the same way, if someone tells us to do something and again we feel annoyed – that means we are still suffering from pride and the desire for honour.”