Friday, April 20, 2007

Selected quotes

Jay Shetty prabhu - Firday 6th April 2007 - Psena Maha Jammin: from the Chris Rock Stand Up show, where he says “if you’re blind there aint nothin’ doctors can do for ya! Look at poor Stevie Wonder – he’s been blind for 40 years and they can’t do nothin’ for him – they can’t even give him a peek! Instead they give you a dog that walks around with you! What’s that gonna do? First I’m blind, and now I gotta learn dog language! How do you know what the dog is saying ‘Woof Woof’- what does that mean? It’s cold outside? There’s a car coming? What do ya mean?!?!” The conclusion was that only spirituality can once and for all solve the problems of life by giving eternal happiness.

Sunday 8/4/07
Bhaktivedanta Manor: Chaitanya Charitamrita Class by Prayojana prabhu: “How to tell whether we are humble or still suffering from pride – whenever we ask someone to do something and they disagree or we face some hostility from them, if we feel agitated, annoyed or angry inside then we have still not fully realized humility. In the same way, if someone tells us to do something and again we feel annoyed – that means we are still suffering from pride and the desire for honour.”


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