Thursday, March 16, 2006

Krishna - The Original Ancestor

I saw an article in the Guardian about how so many celebrities like Oprah Winfrey and Whoopi Goldberg are paying genetic scientists to track down their DNA so they can find their ancestral roots e.g. location in Africa and what kind of work and trade their ancestors were engaged in. People have a pride in knowing what their origin is, what is their heritage and where they come from because it gives meaning to their existence. This is probably a perverted reflection of our desire to return to where we ultimately came from (the spritual world) and our desire to develop a relationship with our ultimate ancestor (Krishna). Luckily we don't need any genetic scientist, because Shrila Prabhupada has given us this information in all his transcendental books. Shrila Prabhupada ki jaya!

Nectarean KC Gems of Wisdom:


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