Saturday, April 15, 2006

Shrila Prabhupada - Drunkards on the Holy Name

H.D.G. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Prajapati: "You utilize your time, Shrila Prabhupada, in such a way that every second is engaged in Krishna's service. And our advanced Godbrothers, they've also learned this art. The vast majority of us, we haven't quite got the hang of it yet."

Prabhupada: "It is achieved through practice. Just as by practicing you can become a first-class drunkard, similarly by practicing you can become first-class Krishna conscious. They are equal. Abhyasa-yoga-yuktena chetasa nanya-gamina [Bg. 8.8]. Abhyasa. Practice. In association the practice is very easy to do. Just like you are saying, you are always engaged. So by association you can also learn. That association is very important."

Prajapati: "Shrila Prabhupada, you're very, very regulated, almost down to the minute in your activities. Is this also a big help in utilizing time?"

Prabhupada: "Yes. Avyartha kala tam. This should be our aim, that not a single moment is wasted. If you realise that "I'm wasting my time," then you'll utilize it. You should always remember. Not a single moment should be wasted. That is advised by Rupa Gosvami. Avyartha kala tam. Vyartha means spoiling. Avyartha means not spoiling. Avyartha kala. He should be always conscious that "I am not wasting my time." Then it will be done. I've seen on the streets. The bums, they also utilize their time to see that not a moment is wasted without drinking. (devotees chuckle) Yes, they actually do that. They only want to drink, twenty-four hours. As soon as the bottle is finished, they're finding somebody who will pay one dollar, and purchase another small bottle. Their only business is doing this."

Prajapati: "So you want us to become drunkards on the holy name?"

Prabhupada: "Yes, yes."

From a Morning Walk, entitled "Dance, Eat and Live Eternally".
January 5th 1974, Los Angeles, California, USA.

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