Monday, March 20, 2006

Navina Krishna dasa - Try something ambitious for Krishna's pleasure

H.G. Navina Krishna dasa

'So the danger is we don't want to end up with a boring life of just working 9 to 5, and going to the Manor on Sunday. We should really be trying to achieve something for Krishna. You've all heard of those obsessed scientists who spend night and day performing experiments and analysing and theorising to the greatest details. Similarly, to be Krishna Conscious means we should be absorbed night and day in thoughts of how to serve Krishna in the best possible way. Just imagine that after we leave this body we have to meet Prabhupada. What will we tell him when he asks us what have we done for Krishna? To try something ambitious for Krishna is not gambling - it's just like investing in the stock market. For those who have studied and know everything about the markets and companies etc, it is not a risk to put large sums of money into the stock market, but for those who invest without knowing anything, it is gambling. Similarly, if we know our strengths and weaknesses and make an ambitious plan to execute for Krishna's pleasure it is not gambling.'

Paraphrased from a lecture.

KC Nectar:


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