Friday, June 09, 2006

Lord Kapila - Material nature cannot harm an enlightened soul

Lord Kapila

"The influence of material nature cannot harm an enlightened soul, even though he engages in material activities, because he knows the truth of the Absolute, and his mind is fixed on the Supreme Personality of Godhead."

From "Vedic Thoughts" in Back to Godhead, May/June 2006, last page.

Lord Kapila is a white-complexioned incarnation of the Supreme Lord who appeared in the Satya-yuga as the son of Kardama and Devahuti. He taught His mother sankhya-yoga, the path of devotional service through systematic study of the material creation.

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Bhurijana prabhu - Serve Guru with Fixed Determination

H.G. Bhurijana prabhu

"When Shrila Prabhupada read this commentary by Shrila Vishvanatha Chakravarti Thakura on BG 2:41, he said it further fixed him in his resolve to follow his Guru Maharaj’s Instructions to preach Krishna Consciousness in English.

‘Of all kinds of intelligence, the best is intelligence focused on Bhakti Yoga. In bhakti yoga, one’s intelligence becomes single-pointed, or fixed in determination. One thinking “The instructions of my spiritual master to worship the personality of Godhead by chanting, remembering, serving his feet and so on are my only sadhana, my only sadhya, my only livelihood. I am unable to give up these instructions either in the stage of practice or in the stage of perfection. They alone are my object of desire and my only responsibility. Besides them I can desire no other responsibility, not even in my dreams. It is all the same to me whether I feel happy or unhappy, or whether my material existence is eradicated or not” "

From the in-depth study of the Bhagavad-gita, entitled "Surrender Unto Me".

Bhurijana Dasa first met Shrila Prabhupada at 26 Second Avenue, and was initiated by Shrila Prabhupada in 1968. Profile here:

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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Pancha Tattva dasa - Travel Criteria for a Vaishnava

I thought this might be good, 'cos summer's coming up and I'm sure everybody is probably making travel plans (also a reason to go on Pandava Sena trip!)...I guess the World Cup in Germany is out of the question!!!

H.G. Pancha Tattva dasa

"Will I please the Supreme Personality of Godhead by going there? Will there be some service I can do for the Lord and His devotees? Can I obtain the association of saintly persons fixed on the path of devotional service? Could I be of some assistance to devotees spreading Krishna Consciousness in that place?"

From an article entitled "Opening the Lotus" in Back to Godhead, May/June 2006, p.17.

Pancha Tattva dasa joined ISKCON in 1978 and writes articles for Back To Godhead, the magazine of the Hare Krishna Movement.

KC Nectar:
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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Shrila Prabhupada - Croaking Toads

H.D.G. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

"Another impediment is prajalpa, unnecessary talking. When we mix with a few friends, we immediately begin unnecessary talking, sounding just like croaking toads. If we must talk, we should talk about the Krishna consciousness movement. Those outside of the Krishna consciousness movement are interested in reading heaps of newspapers, magazines and novels, solving crossword puzzles and doing many other nonsensical things. In this fashion people simply waste their valuable time and energy. In the Western countries old men, retired from active life, play cards, fish, watch television and debate about useless socio-political schemes. All these and other frivolous activities are included in the prajalpa category. Intelligent persons interested in Krishna consciousness should never take part in such activities."

Nectar of Instruction, Text 2, purport.

Shrila Prabhupada is founder-acharya of ISKCON. His writings constitute a veritable library of Vedic philosophy, religion, literature and culture. Website:

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Monday, June 05, 2006

Shrila Prabhupada - They beat him with shoes!

H.D.G. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

"Karmis labour to accumulate more and more money for future generations only because they do not know their future position. Interested only in getting more and more money for their sons and grandsons, such foolish persons do not even know what their position is going to be in the next life. There are many incidents that illustrate this point. Once a great karmi accumulated a vast fortune for his sons and grandsons, but later, according to his karma, he took his birth in a cobbler's house located near the building which in his previous life he had constructed for his children. It so happened that when this very cobbler came to his former house, his former sons and grandsons beat him with shoes. Unless the karmis and gyanis become interested in Krishna consciousness, they will simply continue to waste their life in fruitless activities."

Nectar of Instruction, Text 2, purport.

Shrila Prabhupada is founder-acharya of ISKCON. His writings constitute a veritable library of Vedic philosophy, religion, literature and culture. Website:

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Thursday, June 01, 2006

Shrila Prabhupada - Approach the Authority

H.D.G. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

"The difference between the demigods and ordinary human beings is that the demigods approach authority, whereas the inhabitants of this earth defy authority. If people would only approach the authority, then every adverse condition in this universe could be rectified. Arjuna was also disturbed on the Battlefield of Kurukshetra, but he approached the authority, Krishna, and his problem was solved. The conclusive instruction of this incident is that we may be disturbed by some material condition, but if we approach the authority who can actually explain the matter, then our problem is solved. The demigods approach Brahma for guidance whenever there is any disturbance, and after hearing from him they become satisfied and return home peacefully."

Shrimad-Bhagavatam 3.17.1 purport.

Shrila Prabhupada is founder-acharya of ISKCON. His writings constitute a veritable library of Vedic philosophy, religion, literature and culture. Website:

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Radhanath Swami - Prabhupada is so dear

H.H. Radhanath Swami

"How dear Srila Prabhupada is, only Krishna can know. We can only, like a dwarf trying to touch the moon, aspire to understand the glories of Shrila Prabhupada. And the more we can somehow or other try to understand, the more our lives will be enriched with the causeless mercy of Shri Shri Radha Krishna."

From Nectarean Mellows.

H.H. Radhanath Swami, disciple of Shrila Prabhupada, is a sannyasi and iniating spiritual master.

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