Thursday, June 01, 2006

Shrila Prabhupada - Approach the Authority

H.D.G. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

"The difference between the demigods and ordinary human beings is that the demigods approach authority, whereas the inhabitants of this earth defy authority. If people would only approach the authority, then every adverse condition in this universe could be rectified. Arjuna was also disturbed on the Battlefield of Kurukshetra, but he approached the authority, Krishna, and his problem was solved. The conclusive instruction of this incident is that we may be disturbed by some material condition, but if we approach the authority who can actually explain the matter, then our problem is solved. The demigods approach Brahma for guidance whenever there is any disturbance, and after hearing from him they become satisfied and return home peacefully."

Shrimad-Bhagavatam 3.17.1 purport.

Shrila Prabhupada is founder-acharya of ISKCON. His writings constitute a veritable library of Vedic philosophy, religion, literature and culture. Website:

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