Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Pancha Tattva dasa - Travel Criteria for a Vaishnava

I thought this might be good, 'cos summer's coming up and I'm sure everybody is probably making travel plans (also a reason to go on Pandava Sena trip!)...I guess the World Cup in Germany is out of the question!!!

H.G. Pancha Tattva dasa

"Will I please the Supreme Personality of Godhead by going there? Will there be some service I can do for the Lord and His devotees? Can I obtain the association of saintly persons fixed on the path of devotional service? Could I be of some assistance to devotees spreading Krishna Consciousness in that place?"

From an article entitled "Opening the Lotus" in Back to Godhead, May/June 2006, p.17.

Pancha Tattva dasa joined ISKCON in 1978 and writes articles for Back To Godhead, the magazine of the Hare Krishna Movement.

KC Nectar:
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