Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Radhanath Swami - Surrender or be Destroyed!

H.H. Radhanath Swami

'Sometimes, the transcendental anger of the Lord is invoked just like in the Ramayana. When Lord Rama humbly requested the deity of the Ocean to make a path for Him to get to Lanka, he didn't respond. This is just like all of us. The Lord is simply requesting that we surrender to His lotus feet, but still we think we are unable to, because we have too many responsibilities, family, work etc. Similarly, just imagine how many responsibilities the Ocean Deity has. He's responsible for billions of living entities that live in the ocean, but still his reasons were insufficient. So after a long, long time, the Ocean Deity failed to respond to Lord Rama, and this invoked His transcendental anger. With his bow, He threatened the Ocean to make a path or be destroyed. Of course, the anger of the Lord is so powerful that the entire ocean was heated up. So finally the Ocean Deity humbled himself before Lord Ramachandra and surrendered to Him. Our choice is similarly simple - 'Surrender or be destroyed'. Unfortunately, over millions of lives we have kept choosing the option to be destroyed, which is why we have repeatedly gone on experiencing destruction in the form of repeated birth and death. We simply have to make that right decision to surrender.'

Paraphrased from a lecture.

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